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New Moon in Aquarius….

February 9th is the New Moon in Aquarius happening at 2:58pm Pacific. This new moon is about going within to recognize the intrinsic inner-self and how it influences who we are, how we treat ourselves and let our self-perception mold our life. This New Moon is about setting intentions of what you hope to change to create your desired future. In order to do that, you need to give yourself grace and let go of all the self-criticism, self-sabatogue. In other words, let go of comparing yourself to what you aren’t and beating yourself up because of it. Putting expectations on yourself of where you think you should be and therefore blocking yourself from getting there. Take note of how far you have come and where it is you want to go.

Aquarius is about freedom, innovation, intuition, community, eccentricity & thinking out of the box. Leslie Tagorda say’s: “Aquarius is the water bearer pouring knowledge and wisdom for the people. It is about change and right now, the change feels beneficial.” Aquarius always wants your end result to include serving your community. Your friends, your organizations, your collective, a.k.a. your Truth Tribe. But it has to start with your healing in order to come forth in an authentic way before you can soulfully collaborate with others to give your gifts to the world. Being okay with your individuality that make you your unique self and let go of the self-repression of never fitting in, therefore you can’t succeed. Your unique, individual self is the gift you have to offer the world which benefits the collective, in you being you.

In setting your intentions, ask to clear the barriers that block your unique self from coming forth. Understand that the New Moon has the energy of unexpected change to influence the conscious and unconscious self. Your self-awareness, ego, emotions and deep inner guidance and thoughts. It is a good time to ask to be shown your path to accepting your authenticity and to find comfort in your differences as well as the differences in others. To identify your desires moving into the future supporting the awareness of freedom and courage to be you. In a video I listened to, Colette Baron Reid quoted Carl Jung in saying, “whatever does not come up willingly from the unconsciousness will seemingly come to us as fate.” She, herself states “ whatever it is you are working through is going to show up in your life.” And as I have said many times, your world is a mirror of your inner-self. Your actions are a result of what you believe and coach yourself to do. If you are unable to unleash your authentic self into the world, you remain a ball in a pinball machine bouncing off life and so does your community. We must own our beliefs and actions in order to heal. And to forgive ourselves as we open our eyes to seeing who we really are. Aquarius loves to teach us to open our eyes and see the truth.

On February 18, just before the Full Moon, Chiron is conjunct with the North Node which empowers healing of what stands in the way of our desired future and being our authentic selves. So setting intentions in alignment with that now will prepare you for that release and a smoother transition in healing.

Let’s draw a card and ask “How can I embrace my differences & the differences of others to transform into my best, authentic, true-self to serve my community? I drew a card from “The Wisdom of the Oracle” deck by Collette Baron-Reid. The card is: “Go the Distance” in protection. The guide book give us a message relaying about feeling as if you have been wondering in the desert for ages and nothing is changing. This conjures up images of lack & discomfort, but it emphasizes there is more to it than that. It illustrates how the extreme temperatures conjures up resilience, toughness in creatures living in the desert and how they go deep into the sand to find water to survive. The book says this is a time to develop survival skills and resilience. It is a time to rest, slow down and listen to the call of your inner guidance, the call of your soul for it will never lead you astray. But you must slow down, get quiet to hear and let go of what is not important and distracting you.

Peace and Love, Susan

So great to be back. My life is slowing down a bit and I have the energy to be creative again. Thanks to Collette Baron-Reid, Astrologers Leslie Tagorda and Dr. Michael Lennox for the New Moon inspirations for this blog piece. And thanks to my spiritual guides and inner wisdom as you always come through for me.

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