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Regrouping your Dreams

Today is a day to move toward your dreams feeling confident and to speak about what is important as the air & fire are present & Venus is still in Cancer, so there is accepting energy surrounding and supporting us. That won’t last for long, as the New Moon on July 28th will come with more unpleasant emotion! So make good use of the present influences that support being heard. I you are not sure how to proceed, take some time to regroup, let your mind play, open yourself to hear spirit.

Lets ask the cards what it is we need to know about moving forward with our dreams in case you are feeling a little stifled: I used the Wisdom of the Oracle Deck by Collette Baron-Reid. The card I drew was: “Round and Round” in protection mode. This card tells us we need to look at our patterns in life and recognize how we keep repeating the same scenarios. Take accountability for how you participate in creating the reality. This requires honesty, tapping into our motivation before you speak, act & do. What is your perspective? Are you considering how you may affect others with your actions before taking them? Or are you fearing the result as you act? Or are you just frustrated so you neglect your responsibility? All actions create waves and it is good to take time out to clear your head. If you don’t know where to start, ask spirit to guide with an outcome that is focused on the good for all. Being of service when you are doing for yourself is always a great perspective. Maybe you need spirit to bring you courage to begin, or the wisdom of just listening and asking for the right time to share your wisdom. Maybe you need more education to broaden your knowledge or skills. Perhaps spirit will send someone to support you in motivating action? But if you come from a perspective of thoughtful, honest energy asking it be carried out with love and grace, your best result will come. Be open to the opportunity when it presents itself and trust in your heart when it feels right to proceed. Remember that spirit isn’t always going to bring you exactly what you ask for, but will bring you what you need to grow toward your goals in life. The one thing you can always trust is the truth within your heart that serves for the good of all. Let that be your roadmap forward.

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