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New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon in Scorpio is Tuesday, October 25th in the Northern Hemisphere. As New Moons go, it is a time to write intentions for what it is you intend for in your future. Scorpio is considered one of the most intense influencing archetypes by some astrologers and is about death & rebirth. So we not only are creating new intentions, but are also focusing on what it is we need to let go of. Kind of like the New Moon and Full Moon in one. Letting things that no longer work die within yourself to be reborn for what better serves you moving forward. This New Moon focuses on going within your heart and mind to see what no longer aligns with the desired changes you want for your life, a new path forward toward a better reality fulfilling your dreams. This entails communication, relationships, community, giving and receiving love. When you do an inventory of what you are ready to give up to become your reborn self, then your life will begin to change. How you see the world, how you look at others, how you label things external to your heart, cleaning up your ego, the actions needing improvement in order to get what you desire. Nothing magically happens without acknowledging what no longer fits into your desired self. So when you are focusing on your new intentions, be sure to acknowledge & be honest about what must die in order to become who you say you want to be, to have the life you desire.

With Mars presently sitting still before it goes retrograde soon until March, it is a time to get in alignment of walking your talk. Connecting to your personal life purpose, your Dharma. With eclipse season launching as well, things are amplified and intensified in strength and speed. There has to be acknowledgement & a willingness to allow change and transformation at a deep level. Remembering that everything starts within and projects out to the world which formulates opportunity and change. Then realigning yourself with the world you create. Thus it could mean leaving friendships/relationships, thought patterns, reactions or actions that no longer align with who you are & to enter into the reborn reality of what you want and desire. For instance, you may find that certain people in your life may have been very good for you at one point in your life, but they are no longer aligning with the direction you are moving. Inventory the way you think, judge, finger point, shame, control, co-depend, over extend, etc. & recognize how it affects the balance in your life. New life comes by acknowledging all the things in life that no longer fit and carrying out the change without having to get acknowledgement from others. It is about finding your tribe and being a part of it somewhere in the middle without “having to be” the best or the worst. Just being your true self with heartfelt intentions without attachments, flowing and trusting. It is a true form or reform.

Take the time to rest, let life flow through you. A busy mind can block you from inner wisdom. It is also important to acknowledge some of the things that are happening in the world are a result of the collective. You will know soon enough what needs to change & learn from it, if you give yourself time to clear your mind, move away from all that life throws at you that involves chaos, confusion and resistance. Dream, imagine, meditate to open your mind for wisdom and spirit to flow and get in touch with your heart to align with your true intentions. This is truly a time to inventory the inner so that the outer may manifest toward your dreams. Your end result should be about walking your talk!

Let’s see what the cards say you need to know in order to identify what needs to die as we set our intentions toward rebirth. The card I drew is from the ‘Wisdom of the Oracle ‘deck by Collette Baron-Reid. The card is “the Fates.” The essential meaning of this card is fate, karma, acceptance that there are things you cannot change and knowing what those things are. The book says the Serenity Prayer sums up the meaning of this card: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It may not be in your cards to understand why certain events occurred, but you can accept the mystery and work with what those events and what your current circumstances have to teach you. Some things are fated to happen due to the collective, nature & past experiences you may never understand and are uncontrollable. I say, we have to learn to get in touch with what feels honest and true in the now and flow with it as circumstances unfold. Follow what you feel aligns with your foundation including the intentions of outcomes for the good for all. Let go of needing to tear others down to justify yourself & feed your ego. Instead find your place within the world that reflects what you believe to be true. Understand the things you don’t align with have their own place, their own lessons and their own path, find your tribe-your place. Become a working part of it to naturally empower and strengthen your dreams into reality. Walk your talk as inner self equals the reflection of your outer world. And remember some of what is being reflected could be ancestral or from a past live that you came into this lifetime to experience and heal.

Peace, Susan

If you would like an Oracle Card reading, go to my service page at to schedule.

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