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New Moon in Gemini

At 9:37pm Pacific in the northern hemisphere, the Sun and Moon are in alignment in Gemini and we have the New Moon.

The Gemini is known as the twins, those who love to learn, read, communicate & educate. They seek a well rounded amount of information about life to accumulate as many facts as possible and therefore are good mediators. They love to be in the middle of something new and socialize about the latest thing they are doing.  A well disciplined Gemini will have perception through their intellect and what they have educated themselves in. On the challenging side, they can be mentally scattered & not always finish things they start, can get spread a bit to thin, find decision making difficult & sometimes find it hard to stay on task or commit to something for a long period of time.  But their gift to us is their many perspectives and their passion for sharing and teaching.

This New Moon in Gemini is a time to share ideas, connect with others and recognize how we use thoughts and communication to represent who we are. A time to look at life dreams and recalibrate them to align with our authentic self. Let go of the things that no longer align with your current passions and motivations of the heart. Let go of the need to find self approval outside yourself & stay away from drama, chaos & escapism. It is a time to see new possibilities ahead and be seen. The planetary influences offer a heightened spiritual connection, intuition and healing. Take the time to connect with The Divine/God, your higher power and become more clear on your purpose in life.

Over the next 6 months, Neptune will return to Capricorn and finish breaking apart the old systems & structures that no longer work. This work began in 2008 and will end January of 2024 when Pluto moves into Aquarius. Since the New Moon is a time to plant the seed for the future. Try to align your intentions for new ideas that align with who you are. Be your individual, authentic piece to the puzzle of the world. There is a lot of change going on in the world right now. Stake your claim and voice it to your Truth Tribe, your community. The next 6 months need to be about how you want your world to be going forward. Aquarius is about sovereignty, inventiveness, technology, truth, community and fairness. Know your ideas and voice matters!

Let’s close by drawing a card and ask how we can awaken our soul to create a purposeful life? I drew a card from Collette Baron-Reid’s “The Dream Weaver’s Oracles” deck. The card was “All is Calm Upon These Shores” & the essential meaning is: a calm and centered sense of Self, radical acceptance, peaceful interactions with others, releasing attachment. The way to these calm inner shores is simple: meditation and prayer, coupled with surrendering your wants and your attachments to the will of the Divine, being humble and grateful for what is in front of you.

Peace & Love, Susan

References: Debra Silverman, Leslie Tagorda, Dr. Michael Lennox, Collette Baron-Reid & my wisdom and dreams.

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