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New Moon in Cancer…

Monday July 17 is the New Moon in Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere at 11:32am Pacific. Cancer is the 1st Water sign in the zodiac and water represents emotions. This New Moon is a time to go within and explore how you nurture yourself and others.

Cancer is known to be emotional, nurturing, protective, the mother of all, loyal, persuasive, prizes the family, home & it’s history. Their shadow can make them moody, pessimistic, suspicious, insecure and passive until they are fed up, then over reactive.

This New Moon is a time to evaluate the balance of your nurturing, the give and take in relationships. Who gives you energy after you spend time together and who drains you? Is the balance leaning more toward draining relationships or empowered relationships? The reality is, there is always opportunity for both. For the relationships you choose to give more than you receive, make it someone you choose to help, because it feels like the truth in your heart. With family it can be dutiful, therefore it is equally important to be sure to meet your own self-nurturing needs and avoid taking on more than is healthy. Recognize when you can call in help or self-empower the person you are nurturing. Be aware of control, jealousy, guilt, fear of rejection, etc. Recognize what motivates your actions and why? These are areas to acknowledge to empower yourself moving forward.

Equally important you need to identify what your needs are in relationships and who empowers you. How can you empower yourself & how much are you doing so? Focus your intentions on building harmony in relationships, build self-care into your life and embrace your nurturing qualities in a balanced and nourishing way. Let go of the ball & chains and the broken records – people who loop in their “victim me” conversations and never find a solution.

The planetary influences make this a time of great healing. A time where your rose colored lenses may become clear and you suddenly realize a delusion you have been hiding behind in relationships, being struck with truth because of a shift inside or the actions of others. Alone time is encouraged to discover your magic, what makes you special and what you need to feel fulfilled. Observe and listen more while recognizing your inner dialogue. See how you feel when others find their own solutions without your input. Remember your life reflects back who you are inside yourself. Look yourself in the mirror and ask with self-accountability to see your part in relationships with self and others. Practice & dream of feeling mutually fulfilled.

Lets ask the card how you can nurture yourself in a more balanced way in realtionships with self and others? I drew a card from the “Oracle of the Energies” by Collette Baron-Reid. The card is: “Quieting the Mind.” The essential meaning of this card is: meditation as a commitment, the need for silence, peace within despite chaotic outer conditions, letting go of the monkey mind, mindfulness. The book goes on to explain, In spite of the surrounding din of the world, today you need to slow down and find a bit of peace. Go ahead and take a deep breath right now. Make a committment to be still, if only for 5 minutes. Count your breaths and be mindful of everyone of them. Know that you have all the time in the world to do the things that need doing. Everything is perfect as it is. You will be amazed by how easily everything falls into place once you do.

Lastly I will add, that on my work week mornings, sometimes I wake up with the weight of my workload on my shoulders and by pass my yoga and meditation in the mornings. I begin the day without balance, self-empowerment and self-care. Those days seem to be harder than the days I take just a short bit of time to do a little stretching and meditation. The days I take time for self-care seem more productive and joyful. And I seem to find that 5 minutes didn’t keep me from accomplishing anything!

Peace and Love, Susan

References: Collette Baron-Reid, Astrologers Debra Silverman & Dr. Michael Lennox.,,

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