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Turning up the Light….

There is a very dark aspect of life that has been leading life for a long time. Seems like that is not the bread crumbs that society wants to follow any more. I heard an influencer say this week, “If a leader is trying to push an elephant up a hill and the elephant doesn’t want to go, they can’t get that elephant up the hill.” There is power in masses, power in consumerism, power in decisions to say no. Power in following your truth and finding it. If your truth doesn’t yet exist, dream. There is magic around each of us to create our truth. Feeling blind to the path forward of the new unknown can be uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as continuing up a path of self-destruction. Look and feel the excitement of change, for when it’s gift manifests, it is magic and it is your dream come true.

When you look around your life and realize there is a lot of toxicity, you innately feel like you want to go another direction in life. You feel your truth. You know there has to be a better way, something more meaningful, something more self-caring.

The darker aspects of life seem so prominent at every turn as I awaken to knowledge I once did not know. Seems coming out of this pandemic has taught me to realize a lot of things I once didn’t realize. The old fairy tale is over and time for a new one without so much hardship.

The wonderful thing I am so grateful for are the courageous truth tellers. The people paving the way to change. Sparking us to return to the roots of our souls, our knowing. To create new ways of life that are healthful, supportive of community. Giving us new ways forward. Empowering the urge to help one another, to share your gifts to the world. Being who you are empowers others when it comes from love and brings love to your life. Dare to share your passions with your neighbor, co-worker or family. Being your true self and living your passions often spark a positive change in others and helps them to be creative which feeds the goodness for all.

It is time for change. It is the time for community, fairness, truth, invention, innovation, technology that serves mankind and empowers us as individuals. A blossoming of our inner truth. A truth that brings mankind together to inspire one another. To lend a helping hand. I believe within our hearts is an urge to help one another, to be kind to one another and to honor and respect our differences. If we dig deep enough, we can live amongst core differences because we realize that difference is what expands our awareness toward our own truth. Be open to the change that results as you inspire others by sharing who you are, leading them to create. Being right is less important than progress and healing.

When change is happening. Often a person will step out and tell a new story. The story has a deep meaning of goodness, but isn’t quite refined. It offends some people and others get the true intended message. It sparks controversy of ones core beliefs. What if that story was a breadcrumb meant to bring us closer together. What if that person saw a truth that no one had thought about and was brave enough to share it. To try to spark expansion in us all. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could stop and say “huh, how can we build upon this story to make it better.” Rather than argue about what he got wrong, point the finger and tear this person down, destroy their reputation. Or if you find no truth in the story, maybe it is time to move your attention elsewhere and hope for wisdom.

I was thinking of the early settlers as they pioneered across the United States and settled in new territories. When faced with a hardship they had to find a way to overcome. And in overcoming, they created, invented, shared it with their community to empower, survive and continue on their journey. Heart can take us much further than hate. Truth can lead us to the light. But you have to be willing to go inside yourself and process a peaceful response when someone or something ruffles your feathers. Interaction requires discussion and debate to find a solution. Recognize your cycle of response to something new and move forward with compassion leading your action. Silence can be a good teacher and allow time for inner-transition to understanding, processing and change. Sometimes silence is the cure to bridge the gap of differences. Feed the self-expansion needed to meet half way. Awaken you to a new part of yourself, help you recognize and let go of underserving inner dialogue. And a much less stressful way to attain a needed change. Maybe practice a day of silence and see what you learn. Be mindful of your intent while focusing in the moment. Balance the output and input of your daily life.

Let’s see what the cards have to say about awakening to newness with compassion. I drew a card from the “Wisdom of the Oracle” by Collette Baron-Reid. The card I drew is: “Between Worlds” in protection, (upside down.) The essential meaning from the book is: Transitions, not being quite out of one situation and fully engaged in another; temporary blindness, no-man’s land. The protective message reads: Be mindful of your expectations. This is not a time for guarantees. Things will not go exactly as your plan or dictate. Let go and see what Spirit has in store. What takes hold in your life will be better than you can imagine.

I interpret this card to say, to find your new way forward requires faith, hope and trust while dreaming of a new future. Live each day in the now, but take the time to dream of what you want. Learn from the past, but don’t let it take up your time. Acknowledge it and follow your solution, let go of it’s wound. It was only your inspiration for change, not the burden of your future. To find the way forward, you need to do what is right for the moment at hand. One foot in front of the other, guided by your heart. To try to ward off the fear of the unknown, stay in the now. To follow your breadcrumbs is to search for what feels good, what feels right, what brings you closer to your core gift of self. What you are able to do now to move toward your dream. Don’t be stopped by what you don’t have. Just start where you are and let spirit bring you some magic, open some doors, bring you the inspiration to create what you need to get where you want to go. Happiness in creativity can be fun if you believe what you want is possible. It can make your daily routine a vacation of sorts when you follow your truth and let compassion lead your actions. Love yourself, love your fellow man for they too are trying to find their way through this maze we call life. We can do it better, together, empowering and cheerleading one another to each reach our goals.

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