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Full Moon in Capricorn

Monday, July 3 at 4:39am Pacific is the Full Moon in Capricorn in the northern hemisphere. It is the time when the Sun in Cancer shines its light on Capricorn to say, find balance in your relationships, expression of discipline and goal seeking. Cancer is about rest, self-care, emotions, nurturing, the mother of all and intuition. Capricorn is goal focused and determined to climb the ladder to success, consistent, authoritative, structured & knows how to get stuff done!

Given the influences this Full Moon, it will encourage us to be productive, get things done and show compassion for self & others. The polarity, tug-a-war can be in finding balance between the use of your intuition vs. intellect, emotions vs mind, self-care vs. self-neglect, rest vs. exertion, observing vs engaging, rules vs. creative flow, freedom vs structures. It is a time to observe yourself and others to find that balance. Collette Baron-Reid says to watch for sparks, fireworks or friction. Given the influences pay attention in areas of your relationships with yourself, work, home, rules, authority and with others. There is a urge to heal and resolve wounds in all these ways. Emotions and wounds from the past may surprise you when triggered this full moon. So allow yourself to feel them and decide what no longer belongs and adjust to a new way. Heal or release what you can and surrender in prayer or meditation with hope for answers for what can’t be reconciled at this time. With the Venus retrograde coming, there will the following months to continue to heal.

Let’s draw a card and ask: How can I find balance in my emotional and mental worlds when taking action? I drew a card from the “Enchanted Map” deck by Collette Baron Reid. The card is: “Sacred Pool” reversed. The book for this card starts by saying, “It can be difficult to overcome denial when there is reward for staying where you are.” It goes on to emphasize how you can stay safe and trapped in victimhood by living in denial. You never have to take a risk. You are dimming your light in the world, doing the same things over and over again. It encourages you to take a look in the mirror and see the truth of what you really want in life. Surrender to the need to self-sabotage. Once you overcome the need to deny and be comfortable in a boring life, you can seek adventure, create magic, see with clear eyes. Live a more empowered life. It always comes down to being honest with the truth that lives in your heart and having the courage to live it. Trust your innate wisdom, take action on it, flow through how the world responds and don’t let it stop you. Let go of what doesn’t align with your truth and heart.

Peace & Love, Susan

References: Collette Baron-Reid, Debra Silverman and my own dreams and wisdom.

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Venus Retrograde….

I recently attended an online seminar with Astrologer, Dr. Michael Lennox and I wanted to share what I learned about the upcoming Venus retrograde in Leo.

If you didn’t know, from the earth’s perspective, Venus is the brightest body in our solar system after the Sun and Moon and is the 2nd closest planet to the Sun. She represents our emotional body and teaches us about love to self and others, offers us wisdom, teaches us about our feelings affecting our relationships of all kinds (to people, animals, environment, material objects, etc) and finances.

  Leo is a Fixed, Fire sign and can help us to know “most,” how deserving we are of the things & people important to us. Leo is about self-focus, they are dignified, proud and relaxed. They don’t like being told what to do and like pleasure, to think big and lead. They struggle with boring and dull. They also know they are deserving of love and attention, thus the interesting part of Venus retrograde in Leo.

During this retrograde, we will have the opportunity to learn to give and receive with confidence, discover a level of deserving, feel admired, improve our prosperity, let go of lack, be our authentic selves/heart direct expression, at times be bold, changeable, combustible and a bit unmovable.  Leo will empower us to shine our lights brightly and Venus retrograde will help us recognize how we limit ourselves in these ways! Use this retrograde to set intentions toward healing what inhibits you. When issues arise, meditate, pray, journal, use your wisdom tools to find you answers for healing or consult a confident or possibly a therapist. If you have trauma in your past, when it is triggered, you will default to the negative self-talk or beliefs from your trauma. These are all wounds that can be healed at this time with some effort on your part. It is also a time to show caution about overspending and easier to make judgement errors with spending. Be ware of impulsivity emotionally!

Dr. Lennox describes the retrograde of a planet in 3 segments where most astrologers only talk about the backward motion period of the retrograde. The first segment is what is happening now, the Rex shadow period according to Dr. Lennox. Venus began the shadow period June 18 in Leo and will trace her steps back and forth 3 times between 12-28 degrees in Leo over the next 5 months, ending October 6. This period from June 18 until July 23, is a time to pay attention to issues that come up regarding relationships, things we value & finances. This will give you an idea of what issues could arise during the actual retrograde period of July 23-Sept. 3, when we have the opportunity to grow and expand. On the 3rd segment, when Venus turns direct for the last time and retraces her steps September 3- October 6, she will fine tune the issues and changes that resulted during this retrograde cycle or push us to continue to get you to acknowledge what you didn’t understand. We also take what we have recognized and learned to move forward in life with the new changes within ourselves. Continue to build expressions of our authentic self, what we deserve, what matters, the flow of prosperity and to show more love and compassion within our lives.  

The last Venus retrograde cycle was the end of 2021 to the end of January 2022. It was a powerful retrograde ending a year of chaos, deception & lot of unknown territory. In this Venus retrograde in Capricorn (structures/authority), Pluto, the planet of blowing things up that no longer work was also present. It was definitely the launching of much relationship (personal & outer world) work. I remember it vividly as I was in Kansas helping my elderly mother and got COVID near the end of my stay. I then spent an additional 10 days in my good friend’s basement where they waited on me hand and foot. Shortly after I returned home, I fell and broke my dominant arm’s elbow, then returned my status to having to be taken care of as I was not able to use my arm or hand for 6 weeks. Without a doubt, that retrograde for me was about receiving, giving & worthiness! Dr. Lennox says we all left that retrograde empowered & hopefully carried our new selves forward the past 2 yrs. so that we may build on what was born from the last retrograde into this one.

Let’s draw an Oracle Card to see what we need to empower ourselves in self-love, relationships & money in this retrograde of 2023. I drew a card from the online deck “Wisdom of the Oracle” by Collette Baron-Reid. The card I drew was: “Not For You” in protection mode. The essential meaning of this card is: A clear knowing that something is being denied you, “rejection is God’s protection.” The message goes on to say, don’t chase what flees you. Don’t obsess over what eludes you. Don’t bang your head against the wall. There is nothing romantic about what is unavailable, no prize given for torturing yourself, and nothing to be gained by refusing to see the red flags that have been waving since you began your pursuit. Now is the time to walk away. There are other goals, other games, other successes waiting for you. This is a sign you have something much better waiting for you, trust.

I interpret this to say, recognize when you are chasing someone else’s dreams, not your own. When you are seeking someone else’s truth, a need to please, a need to acknowledge self awareness. When you are involved in relationships for the wrong reason, imbalanced in the giving and receiving or knowing you are motivated by deception, fear or feeling desperate, it is a time to understand why you disconnect with the truth of your destiny to fulfill your hearts dreams. Connect with your truth, know what you deserve and settle for nothing less. Have confidence in the flow of abundance and believe you are deserving. Be proud, happy and fulfilled!

Peace & Love, Susan

Reference: Dr. Michale Lennox, Astrologer, & my wisdom and dreams.

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New Moon in Gemini

At 9:37pm Pacific in the northern hemisphere, the Sun and Moon are in alignment in Gemini and we have the New Moon.

The Gemini is known as the twins, those who love to learn, read, communicate & educate. They seek a well rounded amount of information about life to accumulate as many facts as possible and therefore are good mediators. They love to be in the middle of something new and socialize about the latest thing they are doing.  A well disciplined Gemini will have perception through their intellect and what they have educated themselves in. On the challenging side, they can be mentally scattered & not always finish things they start, can get spread a bit to thin, find decision making difficult & sometimes find it hard to stay on task or commit to something for a long period of time.  But their gift to us is their many perspectives and their passion for sharing and teaching.

This New Moon in Gemini is a time to share ideas, connect with others and recognize how we use thoughts and communication to represent who we are. A time to look at life dreams and recalibrate them to align with our authentic self. Let go of the things that no longer align with your current passions and motivations of the heart. Let go of the need to find self approval outside yourself & stay away from drama, chaos & escapism. It is a time to see new possibilities ahead and be seen. The planetary influences offer a heightened spiritual connection, intuition and healing. Take the time to connect with The Divine/God, your higher power and become more clear on your purpose in life.

Over the next 6 months, Neptune will return to Capricorn and finish breaking apart the old systems & structures that no longer work. This work began in 2008 and will end January of 2024 when Pluto moves into Aquarius. Since the New Moon is a time to plant the seed for the future. Try to align your intentions for new ideas that align with who you are. Be your individual, authentic piece to the puzzle of the world. There is a lot of change going on in the world right now. Stake your claim and voice it to your Truth Tribe, your community. The next 6 months need to be about how you want your world to be going forward. Aquarius is about sovereignty, inventiveness, technology, truth, community and fairness. Know your ideas and voice matters!

Let’s close by drawing a card and ask how we can awaken our soul to create a purposeful life? I drew a card from Collette Baron-Reid’s “The Dream Weaver’s Oracles” deck. The card was “All is Calm Upon These Shores” & the essential meaning is: a calm and centered sense of Self, radical acceptance, peaceful interactions with others, releasing attachment. The way to these calm inner shores is simple: meditation and prayer, coupled with surrendering your wants and your attachments to the will of the Divine, being humble and grateful for what is in front of you.

Peace & Love, Susan

References: Debra Silverman, Leslie Tagorda, Dr. Michael Lennox, Collette Baron-Reid & my wisdom and dreams.

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New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus is on May 19, 2023 at 8:53am Pacific. Taurus wants us to embody who we are and honor ourselves for all we are capable of. It is imperative we take care of ourselves before we attempt to help others. And this New Moon will push you to put your foot down and say, “I deserve this!”

Taurus is about the physical world of form and the pleasure we get from life on earth. Because it is ruled by Venus, Taurus recognizes it’s hearts desires and sets out to manifest those desires into real life experiences. The strengths of Taurus include reliability, patience, devotion, responsibility and a sense of stability. The weaker moments of Taurus can bring about stubbornness, possessiveness & inflexibility. Sudden changes often upset Taurus as well as complications & insecurity.

The past few weeks my spiritual practice has led me to know that I need to focus on what I want moving forward. To stay away from the darkness of today’s reality and put forth energy toward creation of a world that allows us each to be authentic and live out our hearts desires. Taurus supports us receiving what we want in life. The fear producing possibilities that linger and surround us can only be empowered if we spend our time and energy believing in them. We need to avoid putting energy into what we don’t want. It is within our power to create a future aligned with our hearts desires, authenticity and pleasures. Dream, act and create!

While the present planetary influences can heighten our fears, they can also be supportive to keep us out of the fear. It is up to us to decide what our experience will be. Ignore the fear mongering, chaos and divide and focus on love, sharing and creating a more balanced reality. Taurus is known to slow the process of manifestation so you can prove your worth, change what you are meant to heal, recognize what holds you back or misguides you. In setting your intentions, believe you can have the goodness in life, take action toward it and then pass on your empowerment to others. There is enough fulfillment possible for everyone on this planet.

Lets ask the cards what it is we need to know to stay focused on a deserving empowerment for an abundant and freedom loving future. I drew a card from the Oracle of the 7 Energies by Collette Baron-Reid: “A Tall Tale.” This cards key concepts are: denial, concealing the truth so you can manipulate and control a situation, fear-based communication, creating a narrative to hide behind, not allowing the fear of what others will think to influence your words, learning to communicate from a place of authenticity.

Now is the time to be brutally honest with ourselves. Recognize our short comings and gain strength to be a better person. Take responsibility for our actions and admit when we are wrong in order to change our path. Instead of tearing others down to be right or gather sympathy, show compassion and support when needed. Let go of trying to control others or their actions to manipulate an outcome. Let go of the need to hide the truth within your heart. When you trust the truth that lies in front of you, the path to your desires will open up. Until a person can be honest and take responsiblity for their weaknesses, life will continue to throw curve balls to get you to realize what you need to change to have what you desire. Dreams are fulfilled when you are in alignment with seeing what you need to change about yourself to get what you truly want. Don’t let fear, denial & lies suck your power of manifestation. Flip the coin, choose truth, trust in spirit to guide you and the confidence and prize will arrive!

I will close with my latest mantra when I want to redirect my negativity. “I am happy, healthy, wealthy, free and live in a world with justice!”

Love and Peace, Susan

References: Leslie Tagorda, Collette Baron-Reid, Dr. Michael Lennox, & my wisdom.

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New Moon/Black Moon in Aries….

Tonight at 9:15pm PDT signifies the New Moon in Aries. It is considered a Black Moon because of 2 lunations occuring in the same sign. The 1st New Moon in Aries was on March 21 & at the Spring Equinox (new life, new beginnings) at zero degrees of Aries – the beginning or start-up point. It was about defining self, launching fated ambitions, deciding how you want to be seen in the world & showing leadership. This New Moon is at the final degree of Aries with a solar eclipse! Let’s talk!

With the New Moon being in the final degrees of Aries, signifies a time to look back at our previous intentions to see what we have mastered this past month and let go of to improve our self-image and goals. In setting your new intentions, use the wisdom you have gained and upgrade those intentions to empower your sense of self and how you deliver that in the world. Note that 2 hrs. after this New Moon in Aries, the Sun moves into Cancer. Dr. Michael Lennox says “our intentions have to include a shift from the Aries awareness of “me first” to being grounded in love.” How can you bring peace & stability into your life and the lives of others?

The unique thing about a solar eclipse is it affects the collective. Eclipses are known to be transformative & bumpy. You could experience a sudden unexpected change. Or your intentions could be amplified with a fast and sudden opportunity you didn’t see coming. Eclipses heighten the experience, and are transformative one way or the other. Dr. Lennox describes it as, turning something off and then turning it back on. Which seems to me like when our computer is not working and we reboot it. When it turns back on, sometimes we lose information in the process, but it functions better & we eventually adjust. Other times it turns on adjusted and is working more efficiently. An eclipse can bring forth an about face, change of direction or an amplified experience resulting in change.

Lastly, note that wounds in relationships could get triggered with the energies influencing this transformative time. You may feel a sense of heightened awareness of whether your relationship needs are being met or not. There could also be the urge to exaggerate your emotions, end relationships or start new ones. Shadows can show themselves and wounds can get rubbed. Try to see this as an opportunity to upgrade your goals and sense of self. Know if a reoccuring pattern arises in your life relationships, it is being shown to you so you can identify the needed changes for a new story. Step out and go for the inner secret desires you have hidden from the world. Avoid settling for what is unauthenically comfortable. Make better decisions, instead of asking why this always happens to me? This can also be a time of amplified intuitive downloads or visualizations. Imagine your dreams without the fear and drama when releasing them to the universe. Dream & begin taking action. Let the creator show you the way and trust as it unfolds. This can be a very amplified, destined time in your life if you open yourself to believe in your dreams and show courage to be your authentic self. The world is seeking compassionate leaders at this time to wake up to their destiny no matter how big or small.

Let’s ask the cards: Being my authentic self, how can I use my wisdom to create a more compassionate and loving world? I drew a card from the Oracle of the 7 Energies by Collette Baron-Reid. The Card is: Sacred Reverence. The essential meaning of this card is: Awe for the truth that Spirit is everywhere, inspiration coming through you as a result of reverence, joyful living, exploring possibilities with curiosity, spiritual passion, manifesting from the starting point of the realm of spirit. This card asks you to see everything as valueable in your life. See beyond the compartmentalization of your physical reality into the vastness of the interconnected whole. Understand whatever you encounter is guided by spirit, a magical experience of a dream unfolding. Whether good or bad, it is honoring your intention to be a part of transforming the world into an authentic reality. Every situation has the ability to uncover & empower what you seek in life. Even though you may not see the happy ending now, take the steps in front of you motivated by truth and trust spirit to guide you. Every step takes you closer to your life’s purpose when you dream and begin.

Peace and Love, Susan

References: Dr. Michael Lennox, Collette Baron-Reid, Stephanie Campos, and my wisdom. Http:// – sign up for my e-mail blog notifications.

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The Full Moon in Libra

Tonight is the Full Moon in Libra at 9:34pm PDT. This Aries/Libra polarity is about looking at the self and the relationships we have with everything in our lives. Aries is about self/who we are/me first-I’ll lead, taking action, the first to move forward. In this lunation, Aries is shining itself on Libra which is about “we”, balance, fairness, harmony & justice. So combine these two definitions and and feel the conflicts that arise inside yourself from these two polarities.

It is also improtant to note that this is the first lunation with Pluto in Aquarius. So there are influences and the chance to create energy toward being of service, building community, finding truth, innovative thinking, intellectual, personal freedom, independence. Libra longs to find a commonality linking different perspectives while Aquarius sees things from a new & unconventional perspecitive motivated by individual freedom and a fair society. This is a pivotal Full Moon, things can change for new beginnings or fast endings in an instant. But remember the energy is supported by what we interject by our thoughts, emotions and actions moving forward.

It is important to go within to see how you need to find balance of self in this world of “we” while still being “me”. What motivates your actions and what do you need to change moving forward to find balance, love and fairness? In doing so, you will see things from a perspective of empowerment and the world will reflect back to you what you believe.

To get is to look. To have is to see. You can’t see if you don’t look for what you want to exist. Libra signafies a mirror consciousness, meaning the world reflects our perspective and beliefs back to us to create our reality.

As we know, the world is made up of both good and bad. What you choose to believe is what you will see and the world will present to you. Reflect on what inside yourself keeps you from joy, love, safety, goodness, empowerment, honesty, trust and brillance. Do you expose yourself to things that support your fear, lack of trust & safety, hate, doubt, failure, abuse, blame, guilt? When you walk away from something negative what do you look to see? Proof that it is true or to tell someone your story of why it is true and how it currently exists? The world is our mirror, reflecting our beliefs back to us. This is a powerful time to pivot our beliefs and change the trajectory of what the media is telling us, what we are currently reading that supports polarization and corruptness. What you believe is what you get. If you believe in evil, you empower evil. Evil can not have power over us unless we give it power, which comes from what we believe is true. If you are fearing the course of your life right now, know what you fear losing is indeed yours to keep and nobody can take it from you if you let go of the fear and believe in what you want. What inside yourself keeps you from having faith in the goodness of the world? Let it go!

This is a time to acknowledge the negative that resides inside yourself that motivates your actions to create a world that mirrors back the negative things in this world. It is a time to pivot your beliefs and actions toward the good things in life you want to see. It all starts with each one of us. Lets capture this moment and let go of the beliefs inside ourselves that support the negative. Choose to believe in love, joy, truth, freedom, empowerment and happiness and see what the world reflects back to you when you look for it.

Take some time to note all the negative thoughts, emotions & events you presently are burdened with in your life. Then note what actions you are presently taking that support these beliefs. Are you reading about fear inducing events? Are you spending your time with people that trigger your victim and then blaming them? Explore the things in your life that you are currently doing that trigger these negative thoughts, emotions & results. Then write down what replacement thoughts,actions & feelings you would like to incorporate & identify your positive words. What actions you can take in your life to immerse yourself in these new positives and create a healthy balance? I am not saying to bury your head in the sand, but I am suggesting you to believe in the positive while being aware. Next look to the world with these thoughts and emotions and see what is there to move toward. It can take time, but just remember, we always start to see what it is that has been called to our attention. We often don’t know it exists until we are exposed to it. Then we see it everywhere, right? You have this power within yourself to change the course of your/our reality if you become more mindful of how you spend your time, what you choose to believe exists and happens. Lets not waste this powerful time in our history to own our destiny and to join in the belief of goodness for all.

Lets draw a card and ask: How do we release, inside ourselves, what is leading us toward a life we do not want? The card I drew is from the Dreamweaver online Deck by Collette Baron-Reid – “Time to Dance Around the Sun.” This cards essential meaning is: victory after the hard work, celebration of achievements, having the advantage to win. The book written script on this card goes on to say: When it’s time to dance around the Sun you can be sure of sweet victory in all your endeavors. Perhaps you’re surprised at the sudden success? Don’t be! You have worked hard to be here now, learned many lessons and integrated their wisdom and finally chose the right actions. The Universe has been on your behalf in the Hidden Realms for some time now to co-create your dreams and weave them into reality. Yes, sometimes things take longer than you hope for, but you keep acting on faith, trusting that the form of your dreams will mainfest in perfect ways and in perfect timing. Now is a time to celebrate your good fortune and share it with others. You are the beacon of hope for many to have the courage you have shown too. In so many ways, your success gives others hope. Isn’t that a beautiful thing.

I can’t help but feel this card is saying that if we focus on the positive instead of the negative we can attain all the success this card talks about. If you are not there yet, you can be. If you are there, bask in the moment and share your positivity to teach others. Remember, the world is our mirror & our reality is a result of the collective’s actions, thoughts & emotions. It is in our best interest to be the beacon of light that shines on others in this challening time in our lives. What you give you get in return 10 times over. Be grateful for what you have and know it is there because you co-created it with the creator. Let go of the things that keep you from feeling content in this life. For that is not the mirrored result of the truth in your heart. Remember that abundance comes in many forms and if you focus on what you don’t have or might lose, you create lack in your/our life. Lets empower the good things for everyone, starting with yourself.

Peace & Love, Susan

References: Collette Baron-Reid, Dr. Michael Lennox, & my own wisdom!

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New Moon in Aries

March 21, 2023 at 10:23am PDT marks the New Moon in Aries. Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac and the beginning of the Astrological New Year. This New Moon will be at 0 degrees Aries which is considered a world axis point which represents an Equinox which affects everyone on earth at the same time in the same way. This New Moon a powerful time and is about starting new beginnings, energy, enthusiasm, and pioneering.

Aries is known to be the leader, the one to take action first, courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest and passionate. They can also be impatient, moody, short tempered, impulsive and aggressive. It is their nature to take action, sometimes before thinking things through. They have excellent organizational skills and rarely are afraid. Aries is the most active sign of the zodiac.

The present influences will help us to communicate our needs, perceive and understand information. We will be challenged to find a way we can contribute to the greater good, given the healings from the past. There is also the ability to expand and magnify things good or bad. So it is important to recognize which way you are affected and keep balance as you move forward.

In setting your intentions for the New Moon. It is important you are aware of what is ahead. The astrologers of the world are all chanting “this is a big deal!” On March 25th Pluto will enter into Aquarius. Pluto transforms things collectively & culturally, rather than personally. It brings death and rebirth, tears down what needs to change without awareness of collateral damage. It will be in Aquarius until June, then it will retrograde back into Capricorn to finish it’s work with transforming structures. On January 21, 2024 Pluto will return to Aquarius for the next 20 years where astrologers are predicting it to transform technology, societal equality, & community. The next 2-5 yrs is said to be the most turbulent with big transformation. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius the planet experienced the ratification of the US Constitution, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and swept social order and rights changes. In addition to this, we have 3 Planets moving through Aries, the sign of individualism & war. Jupiter in 2023 (expand and magnifies), Saturn in 2025-2028 (the teacher, rules & structures, the task master & rules Aquarius), Neptune (2025-2039) (spirituality, intuition, illusionary, compassionate & rules Pisces). So with Pluto in it’s “one size fits all”, Aries individualism, action and war and Aquarius community, sovereignty, innovation, technology & need for the truth, we are in for quite a ride the next 20 years. Right now we currently have the power to plant seeds in this New Moon to guide us through all this with the intentions we set.

In setting your intentions, think about the polarities of all this and what is currently vulnerable and needing or pushing for change in our world. We have never been more divided and Pluto is about to say, one size fits all, come together. With this New Moon being at 0 degrees of Aries, it is a time to plant seeds for new beginnings. Who do you want to be or become over the next 20 yrs as Pluto tears things apart? What is your role for the good of all? It is time to be your authentic self, find the power of your purpose, take action and to surround yourself with people who will empower your goals. Leave behind that which does not empower authenticity and truth. It is also a time to connect with your intuition and trust it’s guidance. Is the new technology in the coming 2 decades you as a spiritual being and the power that is within? Since we are at a collective time of influence at this New Moon, it is imperative we look honestly at what we believe inside ourselves and see what the world is reflecting back at us as a result. Your intentions need to include the needed changes and how you can assist for the good of all motivated by the truth in your heart. It is a time when you can either run off the cliff with the fear, helplessness and chaos the media presents in all this, or you can choose to have courage, patience and follow your inner truth. Be motivated to act for the good of all with innovation driving the needed change toward community, freedom and truth. What is your fate and purpose on this earth?

Let’s look at what the cards say & ask: How can I be my best self to energize change for the good of all? I drew a card from The Dream Weavers deck featured online by Collette Baron-Reid. The card I drew is “ When the Storm Spirits Play”. The essential meaning of this card is understanding how to navigate divine chaos, clear the air, stir the pot, scatter seeds, bring new possibilities. (Wow, you can’t make this stuff up – I literally picked a card from her online deck and this is what I got!) Anyway this is what it goes on to say about this card: You are being asked to surrender your need to control outer circumstances, which is based on a desire to feel more certain, avoid confrontation, or resist change. This card signifies a time to trust that this chaos, this disorder, this turbulence that has shown up in your life is temporary, but important. You are now able to release the unnecessary or that which you’ve resisted releasing.

Consider how clean the air is after a storm, how dead branches are pruned from trees, and how potent seeds are scattered so new life can sprout in new soil. Even if you find yourself in conflict now, there is a gift in this. It invites you to see things from alternative perspectives and provides you with a lot of valuable information. New, important possibilities arise from the chaos at hand. For now, the highest good for you is to remain in the center of the storm. Meditate and be mindful of your reactions, as you don’t yet have all the information.

I think this card said it all. Stay focused on your long term goals and outcomes rather than get caught up in the chaos. Believe and know truth and goodness will come out of the ashes and stay guided by your heart and truth, with the intention of your actions to be for the good of all. Remain hopeful that conflict will resolve itself with fairness, peace and abundance. It is the Age of Aquarius and we have to remove what doesn’t fit into sovereignty, freedoms, truth, technology, creativity & community. Good and evil will always exist because that is reality, but like they say, there is the potential for more good than bad. You have the opportunity to be a driving part of the good if you clean up inside yourself what you are presently reflecting into the world that contributes to the negative, so it can reflect for the good of all. Let go of the fear, doubt, hatred, overwhelm and find courage, faith, honesty, how you can be of service and let spirit become your partner in guiding you forward. Time to connect with your higher self and live an authentic life. Plant those seeds and move forward to be of service for the good of all however you can.

Peace and Love, Susan

References: Empath/teacher -Collette Baron-Reid, Astrologer – Leslie Tagorda, Astrologer – Dr. Michael Lennox,,,, You can read about my services or join my mailing list at Http://, I am here to serve & help navigate!

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Full Moon in Virgo….

Around 4:40am Pacific time on Tuesday, March 7 is the Full Moon in the Northern Hemisphere. We have the Sun in Pisces shining light on the Moon in Virgo. The Pisces Sun is the source of all things creative, blissful, it wants us to live with ease, compassion and oneness. The Pisces Sun illuminates the shadow of Virgo which triggers perfectionism, overthinking, emotion, over analyzing, worry, self-doubt, self-criticism & workaholic tendencies. The shadow of Virgo limits us from living our Pisces intentions. There is a spiritual source wanting to come through each of us that our human bodies try to block with our wounds of the past. Pisces wants us to be creative, do tasks with more ease, incorporate self-compassion as we learn, be whole and connected as one, exercise acceptance, experience bliss and conduct ourselves with a balanced flow of spirit and our physical bodies (mind/emotions). Pisces can react to it’s own shadow with escapism, avoidance, addition and self-sacrifice. This Full Moon is about healing the gap and finding balance between Pisces and Virgo.

Remember that Pisces is the end of the astrological year. A time to look over the past year and acknowledge the healing and growth you have obtained. And acknowledge what wounds still limit you from living life connected to spirit as a physical being on a daily basis. To live in 2 realms at the same time, spirit & earth. The influences of this Full Moon support spiritual healing, expansion and love. Take this support and let go of the burdens, delusions, fears, self-doubt and constrictions that limit you from being connected to oneness & bliss. Practice self-compassion toward yourself and others as you learn lessons, fail & make mistakes. See life as a learning experience full of lessons as you continue to flow through life. This Full Moon provides us with the energy of liberation. It is time to learn to flow with change and make choices & take action that influence the outcome. A time to trust flow and break free from what limits you. When faced with a fork in the road know you can trust your body to communicate the truth for a greater solution.

Just hours after the Full Moon on Tuesday morning, Saturn (the rule maker, structure creator) will enter Pisces where it will be until May 24, 2026. Saturn is presently sitting at that last degrees of Aquarius and is looking back over it’s mastery of the past 3 yrs in Aquarius and letting go of the unfinished work. In Pisces, Saturn will be ruled by Neptune (the Great Spirit) creating spiritual discipline & karmic reckonings dealing with lessons of spiritual connection. We will have the influence of all the good things about Pisces, forgiveness, flow, bliss, oneness, creative inspiration. Saturn will bring lessons that challenge our Pisces to include lack of forgiveness, lack of spiritual discipline, lack of flow, lack of boundaries, etc. You have the opportunity now to prepare yourself for the upcoming changes by setting intentions for wisdom and strength to guide you with compassion through the life experiences Saturn will bring.

Let’s see what the cards tell us with the question of: How can we release the old wounds that limit our embodiment of spirit into our routines and actions so we can live a more compassionate life? I drew a card from the Oracle of the 7 Energies by Collette Baron-Reid. The card is: A Tall Tale. The essential meaning of this card from the book: denial, concealing the truth so you can manipulate and control a situation, fear based communication, finding a narrative to hide behind, not allowing the fear of what others will think to influence your words, learning to communicate from a place of authenticity.

I say: If you listen to your body and hear your heart (connect to spirit), you always know when something is not true. Our wounds can step into our minds and emotions to create confusion & chaos and you must recognize that as false truth. Be brave to speak the truth. Change creates chaos and brings out our fears of repercussions when standing alone in our truth. We must have the courage to know that following truth is the path forward. It prevents the long detour lies create to get to the solution, the end result. When you avoid the truth and follow a false truth, it is doomed to fail and can create self-harm. Be on the side of victory and liberation. Find a source of true courage to stand with to empower you when you are weak. Meditate on finding what you need to empower you to do what is best, not to just follow and let others make your decisions for you. Have the courage to jump in and feel the exhilaration of accomplishing your truth. Hear all the inspiration that follows. Open your mind to new ideas and find your truth tribe. If you do falter to a delusion or lie, forgive yourself when you admit to your truth and let go of the wounds that sent you on that misguided journey. Learn the signs of denial & escape within yourself so you will not be tricked again. Learn to stand up to fear with objective confidence and open yourself to find a way to gain courage in disagreement with those you love. Hear the opposition, but stand strong in your truth and pray for those who have been led astray from their own truth to awakened. Then be there with an open and compassionate heart to support their path forward.

Peace & Love, Susan

References: Collette Baron-Reid, astrologers Leslie Tagorda, Kristen Fontana, Rose Marcus, Dr. Michael Lennox.

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The Best Days…..

Today was one of those days where spirit is just guiding me. I had a clear mind and set out for some errands with intentions to use my intuition and be curious about the unknown. It was nothing profound, but a good reminder when you leave your emotions and logic out of it you can be led right where you need to be when being guided by spirit. I went to a home builders store to find a piece of wood that is glued and finished to look like a backboard. I didn’t know where in the gigantic wood department I would find it. Of course I could have asked for assistance, but I kind of wanted to find it myself. When I first went into the store, I was initially a bit overwhelmed, then I headed to the lumber department with curiosity, envisioning what I wanted. I walked along the main aisle with a clear mind/emotions and felt inclined to turn, so I did. And about midway down the aisle was exactly what I needed. It was great! What I initially feared would take forever to find, then intended to find, happened quickly and easily.

A few days later I went for my annual physical. Afterward I needed to get bloodwork done. When I went down to the lab it was jammed & the line to check-in was long. I decided to wait and come back another time. In the evening before bed, I always set intentions and ask for guidance where needed. Whether it be through dreams or just being guided by spirit. That night I asked to be motivated with out doubt when the lab would be slow to go to get my bloodwork. The following morning, I had an uncontested urge to go get the bloodwork first thing. So I gathered myself and set out. When I got there were 2 people ahead of me to check in and I waited less than 10 min. to get my blood drawn. I was home in less than an hour! This is normally a 20 min. drive each way from my house! I was elated how effortless it was.

Although these are trivial tasks, it is such a great feeling when we are just led directly to the solution without a lot of trial and error. Being of open mind, in a intended, trusting and curious perspective, really is a rewarding place to create, discover and accomplish. One thing to also remember is when you are blindly asking for a sign of your next step to be open and not try to control the form of your answer. But be more tuned into it’s truth for your circumstance.

I recently listened to a reading by Collette Baron-Reid for the month of March. She ended it with some powerful words: “Wherever our attention is – is what we signal to the universe we want more of. Pay attention to what you want & less attention to what you don’t want. Put more attention into what you stand for and less attention into what you don’t stand for. That is what will lead us forward.” What perspective you come from is what you create. And because we are all connected, we create our reality, our environment, we contribute to an energy of influence. We have so much power to guide life and we don’t often use that power to benefit ourselves or our world. We tend to focus on what is wrong and what we don’t know how to accomplish. Spirit is here for us always. And we have to ask for what we want, have a conversation with spirit, because they are listening and ready to help. always intend what is for your highest good and for the good of all. Then be patient, go about our way and pay attention for the signs that lead us to the end result. We have to be honest with ourselves when we see a sign and if it is what will allow us to accomplish what we are capable of doing without throwing us off course or over extending our hearts desire. Sometimes the sign is a stepping stone for growth and not the end result. That is where you have to be honest with yourself. Does it make you feel like it is what you want or are you just thinking that this is what I am supposed to do and why? Also, trust that spirit has your best interest at heart and they are listening. If you are not seeing your answers, maybe it is time to shift your focus and consider a new objective.

Let us draw a card from the Wisdom of the Oracle Deck by Collette Baron-Reid. The question is, how can I stay focused on what I want & avoid negative/fearful thoughts? The card I drew: “Chaos & Conflict in protection mode. The card booklet says, This is an advantageous moment to restore order and recognize the opportunity for negotiation. If your intention is to find the best solution for the highest good of all, there is positive news: the timing is perfect. Things are already stirred up, so don’t be afraid to jump into the mix. I say: remember that things have to get shaken up for you to find your path to truth. Usually when something is upsetting or against your beliefs, it is time to go within and find a solution to move forward. To recognize within yourself why you feel the discord. Is it motivated by unmet truth or does it require adjustments within to get to the truth? Do you understand the needed changes or should you perhaps meditate to open space in your mind for spiritual guidance? Chaos happens because there is change. You can contribute to guiding it toward truth by thinking and acting in your truth for the good of all. It is always important to recognize inside yourself how you contributed to the circumstances in order to steer toward truth. Even if it is because you were unaware until the change happened. Somehow we all contribute on some level at some time. Remember, our outer world reflects our inner world, denial can be blind. Change is meant to wake us up or motivate us to live our purpose on this earth at this time. The longer we each wait to live our truth, the more challenging it can be to reach it. For the inspiration is the inception. The less energy put into motion toward the negative, the less obstacles are created for the path forward to truth. Trust and knowing are two key tactics for success. And “Truth” is meant to be.

Peace & Love, Susan

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New Moon in Pisces….

Late evening of March 19 or early morning on the 20th, depending on what time zone you are in marked the New Moon in Pisces in the Northern Hemisphere. The Moon joined the Sun 1 degree of Pisces and at the very same time, Venus was at the final degrees of Pisces before moving into Aries. Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac and embodies the wisdom of all the other signs preceding it. So this lunar cycle ends the zodiac calendar year and is a time of endings and preparing for new beginnings.

The New Moon in Pisces should include setting intentions of planting seeds of belief in the wisdom gained in the past year to carry you into the new beginnings. It should empower you moving forward with the grace and understanding required to accept what the future presents in a manner that is true to your heart and for the good of all. Knowing that you will know what is true and have the courage to act in accordance to that truth. We are on the verge of several powerful energetic shifts this year with the first happening mid-March when Pluto moves into Aquarius and Saturn will enter Pisces. It is unclear what these shifts will create, but astrologers believe we are going to begin drastic changes in our world over the next 2 years. Pluto is significant transformation, death and rebirth. Aquarius is the sign of progress and embodies technology. Together they have the ability to transform humanity. Saturn in Pisces is rules, regulations, structure vs. no boundaries, mysticism, deep feelings. It is worth it to more read about the history of these past meetings to understand the tendencies of the next 2 years. Therefore it is important in this New Moon to use the magic of Pisces to plant the seeds now to prepare ourselves moving forward. It will assist us to be ready in a knowing kind of way that keeps us out of fear of the new and unknown with the courage to trust our wisdom moving forward. And to always remember that the collective consciousness is powerful in how we solve the challenges ahead. We each can be a responsible power to ignite our outcomes by how we believe, trust, respond and act. Remember we are all connected through the same consciousness and we create our reality by what we put forth into the universe. A daily prayer for love, healing, peace and justice could go far these days.

Dr. Michael Lennox describes Pisces as the owner of the unconscious and all the power that comes from the infinite field of possibility from which all form springs. Pisces is about love and forgiveness and is ruled by Neptune, the planet known as the Great Spirit. So while Pisces is connected to all things it is also empowered by the mystical spirit at the same time. He also describes the influence of Venus in the final stages of Pisces this New Moon to be powerful. Venus wants love and in Pisces, there is no boundaries for that love. In the final degrees of a sign, Venus is sitting in all the wisdom of the sign of Pisces who represents all signs of the zodiac. So a very powerful time to heal, give and receive love. The world can use a lot of love right now, so another good idea is to set an intention moving forward to embody the wisdom of love in your actions moving forward as Venus moves into Aries hours after meeting the Sun & Moon this new Moon. In Aries, Venus is not comfortable with this Fire of this sign and we need to send her off with a good intention moving forward as it has potential to be a heightened emotional time in this lunar cycle with her in Aries the entire time.

The Pisces traits include being compassionate, romantic, artistic, intensely empathic and sensitive. They feel very deeply and at times struggle with the blues & can be prone to addictions because of it. It is hard for others at times to understand the Pisces person because of the depth of their feelings and their innate psychic abilities. They are the healer you will find at the exact right time without the fear of judgement. They are attuned to the true, deep rooted identity, subconscious, spiritual side and deepest wounds we are each meant to deal with in this lifetime. The Pisces can be a magical influence and with this New Moon we can optimize that magic by setting an intention to commit to some level of spiritual practice to empower ourselves. Meditation is a powerful tool, journaling, paying attention to your dreams, etc. All powerful tools to learn and hear from spirit to advance your growth and knowing at this time. Some of the shadows of the Pisces are dreaminess, the open accepting with lack of boundaries which can cause overwhelm, can be a sponge of the emotional energy around them, they can throw themselves into helping others at all costs, indecisiveness because of the innate flow to trust and if unbalanced, move blindly guided mostly by intuition rather than intellect; depression & addictions.The Pisces can, so to speak, unconsciously pick the scab off a deep wound in another while coming from their heart and sense of caring without conscious ill intent which usually results in a mishap.

Let’s see what the cards say we need to know to empower love as we move forward during a fiery emotional time of change into the unknown? The card I drew is from the Oracle of the 7 Energies by Collette Baron-Reid, “Divine Matrix”. The key concepts of this card from the book read: the realm of Spirit, the knowledge that we are all Divine beings, part of a tapestry, weaving our dreams into the fabric of reality; synchronicity, learning to trust the way things unfold. The book goes on to say, you are surrounded by a multitude of realities that were brought to life by others. These can surely affect you if you allow them to. But as your thread your luminous life force, your courageous dream is part of life, you’re being invited to be conscious of the pattern you are weaving. I say – I often hear people say, “I am not sure if this is what I am supposed to do, or feel that when something happens that takes a turn in their lives for the worse they have no control over it because at the time it is new and not fully understood. They confuse the signs presented to us by spirit or God as something they must just accept as though they have no choice. They let the confusion created by the message lead them into thinking they are supposed to do something they are unsure of and enter it blindly. Confusion means there is more to understand, or possibly the timing is not quite right. It can mean the message is meant to inspire you to understand more before accepting or acting. We are each powerful beings and the truth of your destiny lives in your heart no matter what the world presents to you at any given time. When you are feeling powerless in any dark time in your life it is because you are in an unknowing state. You are disconnected to your truth because your reality has shifted in some way or you are in a weakened state. You are the driver of your destiny and you empower those around you when you are following the truth in your heart. When you are in the powerless state of unknowing it is the time to plant the seed of believing you have the wisdom to see what it is you need to know for your next right action. To begin to dream of what you want and see the opportunities that will be created as a result of it. Each time you receive a gift of opportunity, let go of the wonder and turn within to your heart to feel whether it is true or not. Is it what you have dreamt of or is it a message to help you fine tune what your true dream is moving forward? The exact form may be something you had not quite grasped in your intentions. But resonate with it to see if it identifies with your motivations and talents. Only you know the truth of what lives in your heart, the purpose you came into this lifetime to live by knowing your interests, inclinations and talents. Stay on course for it will be for the good of all. Fear has no place in guiding you forward, only what you know is true in your heart and is rightful for the good off all. Sometimes action is just saying a daily prayer, creating a loving vision for the world, using the tools you have at the time to move forward is the start to fulfilling your truth and living without fear. It is necessary to empower the world around you to find resolve and create the opportunities that align with your truth.

Peace and Love, Susan

Happy Birthday to my fellow Pisces! References include Collette Baron-Reid, Jennifer Racioppi, Dr. Michael Lennox, &