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Turning up the Light….

There is a very dark aspect of life that has been leading life for a long time. Seems like that is not the bread crumbs that society wants to follow any more. I heard an influencer say this week, “If a leader is trying to push an elephant up a hill and the elephant doesn’t want to go, they can’t get that elephant up the hill.” There is power in masses, power in consumerism, power in decisions to say no. Power in following your truth and finding it. If your truth doesn’t yet exist, dream. There is magic around each of us to create our truth. Feeling blind to the path forward of the new unknown can be uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as continuing up a path of self-destruction. Look and feel the excitement of change, for when it’s gift manifests, it is magic and it is your dream come true.

When you look around your life and realize there is a lot of toxicity, you innately feel like you want to go another direction in life. You feel your truth. You know there has to be a better way, something more meaningful, something more self-caring.

The darker aspects of life seem so prominent at every turn as I awaken to knowledge I once did not know. Seems coming out of this pandemic has taught me to realize a lot of things I once didn’t realize. The old fairy tale is over and time for a new one without so much hardship.

The wonderful thing I am so grateful for are the courageous truth tellers. The people paving the way to change. Sparking us to return to the roots of our souls, our knowing. To create new ways of life that are healthful, supportive of community. Giving us new ways forward. Empowering the urge to help one another, to share your gifts to the world. Being who you are empowers others when it comes from love and brings love to your life. Dare to share your passions with your neighbor, co-worker or family. Being your true self and living your passions often spark a positive change in others and helps them to be creative which feeds the goodness for all.

It is time for change. It is the time for community, fairness, truth, invention, innovation, technology that serves mankind and empowers us as individuals. A blossoming of our inner truth. A truth that brings mankind together to inspire one another. To lend a helping hand. I believe within our hearts is an urge to help one another, to be kind to one another and to honor and respect our differences. If we dig deep enough, we can live amongst core differences because we realize that difference is what expands our awareness toward our own truth. Be open to the change that results as you inspire others by sharing who you are, leading them to create. Being right is less important than progress and healing.

When change is happening. Often a person will step out and tell a new story. The story has a deep meaning of goodness, but isn’t quite refined. It offends some people and others get the true intended message. It sparks controversy of ones core beliefs. What if that story was a breadcrumb meant to bring us closer together. What if that person saw a truth that no one had thought about and was brave enough to share it. To try to spark expansion in us all. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could stop and say “huh, how can we build upon this story to make it better.” Rather than argue about what he got wrong, point the finger and tear this person down, destroy their reputation. Or if you find no truth in the story, maybe it is time to move your attention elsewhere and hope for wisdom.

I was thinking of the early settlers as they pioneered across the United States and settled in new territories. When faced with a hardship they had to find a way to overcome. And in overcoming, they created, invented, shared it with their community to empower, survive and continue on their journey. Heart can take us much further than hate. Truth can lead us to the light. But you have to be willing to go inside yourself and process a peaceful response when someone or something ruffles your feathers. Interaction requires discussion and debate to find a solution. Recognize your cycle of response to something new and move forward with compassion leading your action. Silence can be a good teacher and allow time for inner-transition to understanding, processing and change. Sometimes silence is the cure to bridge the gap of differences. Feed the self-expansion needed to meet half way. Awaken you to a new part of yourself, help you recognize and let go of underserving inner dialogue. And a much less stressful way to attain a needed change. Maybe practice a day of silence and see what you learn. Be mindful of your intent while focusing in the moment. Balance the output and input of your daily life.

Let’s see what the cards have to say about awakening to newness with compassion. I drew a card from the “Wisdom of the Oracle” by Collette Baron-Reid. The card I drew is: “Between Worlds” in protection, (upside down.) The essential meaning from the book is: Transitions, not being quite out of one situation and fully engaged in another; temporary blindness, no-man’s land. The protective message reads: Be mindful of your expectations. This is not a time for guarantees. Things will not go exactly as your plan or dictate. Let go and see what Spirit has in store. What takes hold in your life will be better than you can imagine.

I interpret this card to say, to find your new way forward requires faith, hope and trust while dreaming of a new future. Live each day in the now, but take the time to dream of what you want. Learn from the past, but don’t let it take up your time. Acknowledge it and follow your solution, let go of it’s wound. It was only your inspiration for change, not the burden of your future. To find the way forward, you need to do what is right for the moment at hand. One foot in front of the other, guided by your heart. To try to ward off the fear of the unknown, stay in the now. To follow your breadcrumbs is to search for what feels good, what feels right, what brings you closer to your core gift of self. What you are able to do now to move toward your dream. Don’t be stopped by what you don’t have. Just start where you are and let spirit bring you some magic, open some doors, bring you the inspiration to create what you need to get where you want to go. Happiness in creativity can be fun if you believe what you want is possible. It can make your daily routine a vacation of sorts when you follow your truth and let compassion lead your actions. Love yourself, love your fellow man for they too are trying to find their way through this maze we call life. We can do it better, together, empowering and cheerleading one another to each reach our goals.

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New Moon in Cancer…

Monday July 17 is the New Moon in Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere at 11:32am Pacific. Cancer is the 1st Water sign in the zodiac and water represents emotions. This New Moon is a time to go within and explore how you nurture yourself and others.

Cancer is known to be emotional, nurturing, protective, the mother of all, loyal, persuasive, prizes the family, home & it’s history. Their shadow can make them moody, pessimistic, suspicious, insecure and passive until they are fed up, then over reactive.

This New Moon is a time to evaluate the balance of your nurturing, the give and take in relationships. Who gives you energy after you spend time together and who drains you? Is the balance leaning more toward draining relationships or empowered relationships? The reality is, there is always opportunity for both. For the relationships you choose to give more than you receive, make it someone you choose to help, because it feels like the truth in your heart. With family it can be dutiful, therefore it is equally important to be sure to meet your own self-nurturing needs and avoid taking on more than is healthy. Recognize when you can call in help or self-empower the person you are nurturing. Be aware of control, jealousy, guilt, fear of rejection, etc. Recognize what motivates your actions and why? These are areas to acknowledge to empower yourself moving forward.

Equally important you need to identify what your needs are in relationships and who empowers you. How can you empower yourself & how much are you doing so? Focus your intentions on building harmony in relationships, build self-care into your life and embrace your nurturing qualities in a balanced and nourishing way. Let go of the ball & chains and the broken records – people who loop in their “victim me” conversations and never find a solution.

The planetary influences make this a time of great healing. A time where your rose colored lenses may become clear and you suddenly realize a delusion you have been hiding behind in relationships, being struck with truth because of a shift inside or the actions of others. Alone time is encouraged to discover your magic, what makes you special and what you need to feel fulfilled. Observe and listen more while recognizing your inner dialogue. See how you feel when others find their own solutions without your input. Remember your life reflects back who you are inside yourself. Look yourself in the mirror and ask with self-accountability to see your part in relationships with self and others. Practice & dream of feeling mutually fulfilled.

Lets ask the card how you can nurture yourself in a more balanced way in realtionships with self and others? I drew a card from the “Oracle of the Energies” by Collette Baron-Reid. The card is: “Quieting the Mind.” The essential meaning of this card is: meditation as a commitment, the need for silence, peace within despite chaotic outer conditions, letting go of the monkey mind, mindfulness. The book goes on to explain, In spite of the surrounding din of the world, today you need to slow down and find a bit of peace. Go ahead and take a deep breath right now. Make a committment to be still, if only for 5 minutes. Count your breaths and be mindful of everyone of them. Know that you have all the time in the world to do the things that need doing. Everything is perfect as it is. You will be amazed by how easily everything falls into place once you do.

Lastly I will add, that on my work week mornings, sometimes I wake up with the weight of my workload on my shoulders and by pass my yoga and meditation in the mornings. I begin the day without balance, self-empowerment and self-care. Those days seem to be harder than the days I take just a short bit of time to do a little stretching and meditation. The days I take time for self-care seem more productive and joyful. And I seem to find that 5 minutes didn’t keep me from accomplishing anything!

Peace and Love, Susan

References: Collette Baron-Reid, Astrologers Debra Silverman & Dr. Michael Lennox.,,

Astrology · Inspiration · Intuitive · Selfhelp · Spirituality · Truth

Come Monday….

July 17 there are several things happening astrologically, it is the New Moon in Cancer, Venus begins stationing/standing still until she goes retrograde on July 23rd-Sept. 3 & the nodes are changing signs. Today I want to talk about the nodes.

The North and South Nodes change signs every 18 months and it is important because it is something that everyone feels and is affected by. This also signifies what signs the eclipses will fall in the next 18 months.

On the 17th the North Node will move into Aries and the South Node will move into Libra. And because the collective world population all experience the energies, it tells us what we all will be moving toward (North Node in Aries) and moving away from (South Node in Libra) in the next 18 months. Let’s explain more about the nodes and their influences on our life.

The North Node is your spiritual purpose in life, what you are moving toward. It is what you came into this life to do. It is what you feel drawn to accomplish and develop. The influences of the North Node pulls you to expand who you are to fulfill this life’s destiny and your souls purpose. It shapes your future experiences and continued evolvement.

The South Node is the history of our soul when we are born, the accumulation of our past lifetimes. We come in to life with our history in our unconscious, our natural/innate talents and accomplishments of past lives. It also includes the wounds & traumas you carry from your past lives needed to heal to accomplish this life’s full purpose. They are the things that are easiest for you to perform naturally. Or the mental/emotional wall you hit every time you try something new. There are a myriad of examples to give, but I am hoping you understand. The South Node will stir you to act because of your accomplishments in past lives, but your wounds can also rise to prevent you. These barriers need to be healed to accomplish your soul’s purpose.

So what influence will Aries in the North Node and Libra in the South Node bring to us in the next 18 months? Aries empowers fire/passion, action, impulse, start up energy, movement, just do it & pick up the pieces later mentality. With this energy you will be driven toward doing & acting out. Libra in the South Node will give rise to the shadow aspects of Libra: passivity/fear, wanting to keep the peace amongst those in your life, people pleasing, indecisiveness, avoiding risks and things that disrupt harmony and balance.

We have an opportunity to face our barriers that keep us from moving forward with our dreams. It is good to look at your astrology birth chart to see what house Aries and Libra fall in to pinpoint more specifically how these energies will affect you personally. If you don’t, it should become apparent what aspect of your life you feel moved to go forward with and what inhibits you from doing so that seem associated with these signs.

Let’s draw a card to see what it is we all need to know about accomplishing our life’s purpose and how to deal with the barriers that prevent us from our dreams. I drew a card from the “Wisdom of the Oracle” created by Collette Baron-Reid. The card is, “Soul Mates.” The essential meaning of this card is harmonious relationships, love, friendship, companionship, a relationship fostering personal growth. You are meant to evolve and transform with the companionship of others including spirit. There are people meant to take you to the next level of your healing, consciousness and authenticity. Well, how Libra is that? So I interpret it as saying that you have to let go of the “Me” and accept the “We” in your learning journey. Having the balance of your Soul Tribe in your life, aka Truth Tribe surrounding you in life will help to empower you to move forward. Also working on your spiritual practice to strengthen your intuition and guidance. Calling in spirit to help you learn and grow. When you are feeling self-defeated, it is these resources that will empower you to heal your wounds. You will know who these people or signs are as you are naturally drawn to act. Aries empowers you to act before your self-doubt or fear stops you. But you must feel the truth in your heart when motivated to act. It takes balance and harmony to empower the energies in your life. Too extreme on any scale will build barriers that require more detours to get where you want to go. Turn inward for truth and follow it outwardly for your best life!

Peace and Love, Susan

References: Podcast “Conscious Embodiment” by Dr. Michael Lennox, & my wisdom and intuition.


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Full Moon in Capricorn

Monday, July 3 at 4:39am Pacific is the Full Moon in Capricorn in the northern hemisphere. It is the time when the Sun in Cancer shines its light on Capricorn to say, find balance in your relationships, expression of discipline and goal seeking. Cancer is about rest, self-care, emotions, nurturing, the mother of all and intuition. Capricorn is goal focused and determined to climb the ladder to success, consistent, authoritative, structured & knows how to get stuff done!

Given the influences this Full Moon, it will encourage us to be productive, get things done and show compassion for self & others. The polarity, tug-a-war can be in finding balance between the use of your intuition vs. intellect, emotions vs mind, self-care vs. self-neglect, rest vs. exertion, observing vs engaging, rules vs. creative flow, freedom vs structures. It is a time to observe yourself and others to find that balance. Collette Baron-Reid says to watch for sparks, fireworks or friction. Given the influences pay attention in areas of your relationships with yourself, work, home, rules, authority and with others. There is a urge to heal and resolve wounds in all these ways. Emotions and wounds from the past may surprise you when triggered this full moon. So allow yourself to feel them and decide what no longer belongs and adjust to a new way. Heal or release what you can and surrender in prayer or meditation with hope for answers for what can’t be reconciled at this time. With the Venus retrograde coming, there will the following months to continue to heal.

Let’s draw a card and ask: How can I find balance in my emotional and mental worlds when taking action? I drew a card from the “Enchanted Map” deck by Collette Baron Reid. The card is: “Sacred Pool” reversed. The book for this card starts by saying, “It can be difficult to overcome denial when there is reward for staying where you are.” It goes on to emphasize how you can stay safe and trapped in victimhood by living in denial. You never have to take a risk. You are dimming your light in the world, doing the same things over and over again. It encourages you to take a look in the mirror and see the truth of what you really want in life. Surrender to the need to self-sabotage. Once you overcome the need to deny and be comfortable in a boring life, you can seek adventure, create magic, see with clear eyes. Live a more empowered life. It always comes down to being honest with the truth that lives in your heart and having the courage to live it. Trust your innate wisdom, take action on it, flow through how the world responds and don’t let it stop you. Let go of what doesn’t align with your truth and heart.

Peace & Love, Susan

References: Collette Baron-Reid, Debra Silverman and my own dreams and wisdom.

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Venus Retrograde….

I recently attended an online seminar with Astrologer, Dr. Michael Lennox and I wanted to share what I learned about the upcoming Venus retrograde in Leo.

If you didn’t know, from the earth’s perspective, Venus is the brightest body in our solar system after the Sun and Moon and is the 2nd closest planet to the Sun. She represents our emotional body and teaches us about love to self and others, offers us wisdom, teaches us about our feelings affecting our relationships of all kinds (to people, animals, environment, material objects, etc) and finances.

  Leo is a Fixed, Fire sign and can help us to know “most,” how deserving we are of the things & people important to us. Leo is about self-focus, they are dignified, proud and relaxed. They don’t like being told what to do and like pleasure, to think big and lead. They struggle with boring and dull. They also know they are deserving of love and attention, thus the interesting part of Venus retrograde in Leo.

During this retrograde, we will have the opportunity to learn to give and receive with confidence, discover a level of deserving, feel admired, improve our prosperity, let go of lack, be our authentic selves/heart direct expression, at times be bold, changeable, combustible and a bit unmovable.  Leo will empower us to shine our lights brightly and Venus retrograde will help us recognize how we limit ourselves in these ways! Use this retrograde to set intentions toward healing what inhibits you. When issues arise, meditate, pray, journal, use your wisdom tools to find you answers for healing or consult a confident or possibly a therapist. If you have trauma in your past, when it is triggered, you will default to the negative self-talk or beliefs from your trauma. These are all wounds that can be healed at this time with some effort on your part. It is also a time to show caution about overspending and easier to make judgement errors with spending. Be ware of impulsivity emotionally!

Dr. Lennox describes the retrograde of a planet in 3 segments where most astrologers only talk about the backward motion period of the retrograde. The first segment is what is happening now, the Rex shadow period according to Dr. Lennox. Venus began the shadow period June 18 in Leo and will trace her steps back and forth 3 times between 12-28 degrees in Leo over the next 5 months, ending October 6. This period from June 18 until July 23, is a time to pay attention to issues that come up regarding relationships, things we value & finances. This will give you an idea of what issues could arise during the actual retrograde period of July 23-Sept. 3, when we have the opportunity to grow and expand. On the 3rd segment, when Venus turns direct for the last time and retraces her steps September 3- October 6, she will fine tune the issues and changes that resulted during this retrograde cycle or push us to continue to get you to acknowledge what you didn’t understand. We also take what we have recognized and learned to move forward in life with the new changes within ourselves. Continue to build expressions of our authentic self, what we deserve, what matters, the flow of prosperity and to show more love and compassion within our lives.  

The last Venus retrograde cycle was the end of 2021 to the end of January 2022. It was a powerful retrograde ending a year of chaos, deception & lot of unknown territory. In this Venus retrograde in Capricorn (structures/authority), Pluto, the planet of blowing things up that no longer work was also present. It was definitely the launching of much relationship (personal & outer world) work. I remember it vividly as I was in Kansas helping my elderly mother and got COVID near the end of my stay. I then spent an additional 10 days in my good friend’s basement where they waited on me hand and foot. Shortly after I returned home, I fell and broke my dominant arm’s elbow, then returned my status to having to be taken care of as I was not able to use my arm or hand for 6 weeks. Without a doubt, that retrograde for me was about receiving, giving & worthiness! Dr. Lennox says we all left that retrograde empowered & hopefully carried our new selves forward the past 2 yrs. so that we may build on what was born from the last retrograde into this one.

Let’s draw an Oracle Card to see what we need to empower ourselves in self-love, relationships & money in this retrograde of 2023. I drew a card from the online deck “Wisdom of the Oracle” by Collette Baron-Reid. The card I drew was: “Not For You” in protection mode. The essential meaning of this card is: A clear knowing that something is being denied you, “rejection is God’s protection.” The message goes on to say, don’t chase what flees you. Don’t obsess over what eludes you. Don’t bang your head against the wall. There is nothing romantic about what is unavailable, no prize given for torturing yourself, and nothing to be gained by refusing to see the red flags that have been waving since you began your pursuit. Now is the time to walk away. There are other goals, other games, other successes waiting for you. This is a sign you have something much better waiting for you, trust.

I interpret this to say, recognize when you are chasing someone else’s dreams, not your own. When you are seeking someone else’s truth, a need to please, a need to acknowledge self awareness. When you are involved in relationships for the wrong reason, imbalanced in the giving and receiving or knowing you are motivated by deception, fear or feeling desperate, it is a time to understand why you disconnect with the truth of your destiny to fulfill your hearts dreams. Connect with your truth, know what you deserve and settle for nothing less. Have confidence in the flow of abundance and believe you are deserving. Be proud, happy and fulfilled!

Peace & Love, Susan

Reference: Dr. Michale Lennox, Astrologer, & my wisdom and dreams.

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I’ll Take Truth…..

I have been thinking about evil and it’s existence lately. One thing is certain, it’s intent is to control and destroy humanity. That can be an overwhelming, fear provoking reality in many ways when the evil exist in the powers that be in society. But then I remember that it is in our nature to want to be happy and survive.

I also have read that evil usually self-destructs in time. That theory entices my optimism because I look at evil and see it sustains it’s power by the participation of their victim. So if evil destroys the thing that empowers them, how can evil win? I guess that depends on how tortured the victim is willing to be and how long their actions support empowering evil’s sustenance instead of creating change.

We all have blind spots in life and when bad things happens, we are awakened to a reality of needed change. We begin facing a crossroads in our life, evaluating if we continue down the same road or alter our course? Do we grip onto what is familiar or available, whether it helps or not? Or do we begin to explore new territory, more inclined to bring back happiness, our desired outcome. Do we have the explorer nature within ourselves to believe our path forward will guide us to something new with a positive and better outcome?

There is a card in on one of Collette Baron-Reid’s Oracle decks, “Oracle of the 7 Energies,” titled “The Land Between.” It explains you are in unfamiliar territory with an uncertain future when in transition moving toward change. The card’s picture reflects being between 2 cliffs, crossing hanging bridges to a new land mass that is floating in the air. It reflects a sense of instability, yet promising adventure to an unknown future. One of our faults as humans is we need a guarantee in taking a risk. Instead of connecting to our intuition to know if it is the right action forward to change and trusting the unknown. Understanding how our body communicates that higher knowing can bring great confidence and success. How many times after a negative incident do you say, “I knew it didn’t feel right, but I did it anyway?” If you know how your body tells you something isn’t right, do you know how it tells you when it good to move forward?

Have you ever noticed yourself when you are exploring something fun and exciting how you react during the experience. You seem to enjoy being led blindly because you know the outcome and are being rewarded positively. You feel safe and will have been entertained in the end. It is when we need to explore the unknown and not know the outcome that can throw off our confidence and sense of comfort blindly exploring our path forward. I can’t emphasize enough, how being in touch with knowing and feeling truth within your body can encourage the confidence through change.

I find several things help me to feel confident and comfort in that blind stage of discovery. One is being sure of what I want my outcome to be and to know that whatever materializes will be a vision of my truth, although not necessarily the exact replica of my vision. I say that because when you are creating something new, the unknown of the new is always part of the mix. So I have to prepare myself for the unexpected attributes of my dream and open myself to check to see if when things materialize, it aligns with my truth and my heart to know if it is the final outcome. If not, I keep learning and refining until it feels satisfactory to my dreams. But it is the knowing within myself that all will be okay because there are solutions possible that keep me from stressing or giving up. And knowing that when I wish and dream for a new solution to my dilemma, it is within my power to be part of creating a new future and my dreams will be answered. I often pray I will remain diligent to explore, until I see my truth in front of me and my dreams have materialized. The unknown can bring out detours/behaviors in us, but that is part of the process and change to get where we are headed. So it is important not to give up and continue to grow through those barriers for the good. When we dream for success, we find ourselves supported along the way when we trust what feels true.

Though evil can be scary and destructive to us by nature, it is the very thing that drives drastic change for the better. It is the rail we bump into to alert us we need to correct our course before we crash. If you feel within yourself unhappiness profound enough to provoke the idea of change, begin to dream about what you hope for instead. When the dream true to your heart begins to arrive, react with action. Trust and know that what is in your heart is meant to be. And the only thing standing in it’s way is you believing it is possible and remaining hopeful. Sometimes, that is all it takes to create the change necessary when you feel unsure how to proceed. But it is important to embrace the solution when it arrives.

In conclusion, I side with the belief that evil self-destructs. Because what evil offers is not within our nature to accept. And we need not unravel at it’s presence, but simply look another way forward. Refuse to allow fear or hatred to overcome in reaction when faced with the unknown, for it is just a time to pivot, dream, keep the faith and remain true to the truth of joy! Remain curious to what you don’t understand. Show compassion to your fellow man, because most likely, they are also trying to find their way forward the best they know how.

Peace and Love, Susan

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New Moon in Gemini

At 9:37pm Pacific in the northern hemisphere, the Sun and Moon are in alignment in Gemini and we have the New Moon.

The Gemini is known as the twins, those who love to learn, read, communicate & educate. They seek a well rounded amount of information about life to accumulate as many facts as possible and therefore are good mediators. They love to be in the middle of something new and socialize about the latest thing they are doing.  A well disciplined Gemini will have perception through their intellect and what they have educated themselves in. On the challenging side, they can be mentally scattered & not always finish things they start, can get spread a bit to thin, find decision making difficult & sometimes find it hard to stay on task or commit to something for a long period of time.  But their gift to us is their many perspectives and their passion for sharing and teaching.

This New Moon in Gemini is a time to share ideas, connect with others and recognize how we use thoughts and communication to represent who we are. A time to look at life dreams and recalibrate them to align with our authentic self. Let go of the things that no longer align with your current passions and motivations of the heart. Let go of the need to find self approval outside yourself & stay away from drama, chaos & escapism. It is a time to see new possibilities ahead and be seen. The planetary influences offer a heightened spiritual connection, intuition and healing. Take the time to connect with The Divine/God, your higher power and become more clear on your purpose in life.

Over the next 6 months, Neptune will return to Capricorn and finish breaking apart the old systems & structures that no longer work. This work began in 2008 and will end January of 2024 when Pluto moves into Aquarius. Since the New Moon is a time to plant the seed for the future. Try to align your intentions for new ideas that align with who you are. Be your individual, authentic piece to the puzzle of the world. There is a lot of change going on in the world right now. Stake your claim and voice it to your Truth Tribe, your community. The next 6 months need to be about how you want your world to be going forward. Aquarius is about sovereignty, inventiveness, technology, truth, community and fairness. Know your ideas and voice matters!

Let’s close by drawing a card and ask how we can awaken our soul to create a purposeful life? I drew a card from Collette Baron-Reid’s “The Dream Weaver’s Oracles” deck. The card was “All is Calm Upon These Shores” & the essential meaning is: a calm and centered sense of Self, radical acceptance, peaceful interactions with others, releasing attachment. The way to these calm inner shores is simple: meditation and prayer, coupled with surrendering your wants and your attachments to the will of the Divine, being humble and grateful for what is in front of you.

Peace & Love, Susan

References: Debra Silverman, Leslie Tagorda, Dr. Michael Lennox, Collette Baron-Reid & my wisdom and dreams.

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Victim No More….

When we come into this life, we live through a culmination of experiences that affect our psyche both good and bad. Spiritual teachers will tell you that it is our souls contract when we enter into life to have these experiences for our souls healing. Today I want to write about how I see the process of the victim through my own self-guided healing.

When I think back on the experiences that I’ve had up to this point in life, I can identify the ones that changed the course of my life. Some good, some bad, some outstanding and some horrific. The culmination of those experiences formed a persona within myself of how I have responded to life moving forward. I have seen in myself and others how the negative brings out our need to protect ourself, creates misperception or avoidance tactics to summarize a few. They also at times can send us on a journey of false truths about our reality, seeking comfort in self-harming realities. Send us into a delusional state of reality and cause us to misperceive true intentions. It also allows the mirroring experiences to be played out over and over again by the same type of predators and to keep re-living tragedy. In my mind, it comes down to what we believe and feel is true. Hurtful and tragic situations can be very difficult to dig ourselves out of if we believe what the incident has taught us to be true and we keep re-living this reality by our choices and actions. Only to create a vicious cycle of victim, in my opinion.

The good experiences in my life have given me confidence and helped me to identify my true potential. They guided me to set standards that created joyful, successful and fun loving experiences and brought like-minded people into my life, my Truth Tribe. These experiences & resources are what empower me to create new experiences in my path forward to grow, succeed & be joyful in life. They can be part of the support system to bring us out of our gloom and self-destruction. Positivity brings the people into our life that we later reach out to when we need solid advise and support. The people in our lives that mirror our good experiences are our resources to reconnect and live those positive experiences with. They are the illustration we are on the right path. I like to think of this side of ourself as the healer within each of us. But I also believe, it is a healthy balanced state that must be maintained in our successes that lead to more successes. The ego loves to step in and throw me off balance at any time in my successful state. That again is when you need your truth tribe’s support of honesty and compassion, be aware of your motivation & to be in touch with the truth in your heart.

I have suffered from horrible anxiety for many years. I reached the point a couple of times, where it actually seemed better to me to be dead than alive. A shocking truth, uncomfortable to admit. Thankfully I always turned it around at that stage – it was my rock bottom with the anxiety. But the anxiety made me feel powerless & I’d live in it. I would have this feeling like something was horribly wrong, very bad news was coming. I had done something horribly wrong, I was a bad person. It was my Victim Soup I had validated in my psyche up to this point from my victim experiences. Then something would materialize that validated it and I would wonder, was I perceiving when I was anxious or was I contributing to it’s formation. I have concluded they were a combination of both. One feeding the other in a destructive cycle empowering a reality of mirroring my victim back to me. A vicious cycle within myself of helplessness and validation. I couldn’t understand how to stop it because I didn’t understand how I started the cycle. I turned to herbal and homeopathic remedies that would help relieve the anxiety and bring me back to a state of empowerment to manipulate my victim state for survival. One day I realized the anxiety always went away when I would decide to choose to change my mind and feelings toward what I wanted to think and feel and the uncontrollable anxiety would go away. Now when I start to feel the emotions of anxiety or the anxious thoughts enter my mind, I know it is a choice I have to make. To believe in it and let it consume me, or to do something to change it. Often times when in a crippled state, I crawl away from it by chanting within myself positive thoughts and creating positive feelings within myself of what I want to believe to transition it. Or daydreaming of better things or reaching out to a trusted resource (people, books, entertainment). I have to take the time at my weakest moments to push myself into positivity and empowerment to fight back against these demons. Realize I can empower positivity to defeat my victim. Feed the evil or feed the good. Transition my mirrored experiences to what I want life to reflect back to me.

Last night I went to a party and I met this lady Alice, who was struggling with her upbringing. Her mother abused her emotionally her entire life and convinced everyone she was just being dramatic when she tried to tell people what her mother was doing to her. Nobody ever believed Alice and she suffered alone. Presently in her life, her mother has dementia and refuses to admit it, is still living on her own but requires the assistance of Alice and her brother to survive. The mother has shown her true colors and is now treating the brother the same way Alice has been treated her entire life. Alice has finally been vindicated. But what stunned me in our conversation was, Alice believes she is still powerless and can not change her damanged self until her mother is deceased. This is what she chooses to believe. I see her present circumstances as a mirroring victim experience repeating itself over and over until Alice says no more. It made me sad to think that she is living her entire life a victim of her mother. Precious joyful life experiences are being wasted. In talking further with Alice, I see that she is being forced by safety issues to take an empowered position in dealing with her mother’s dementia. But she admits to poor self-esteem that affects other parts of her life she is struggling with because of the wounds she carries & believes until her mother is gone she can’t heal. After hearing her repeated powerlessness stories, I pointed out to her that “she is who she believed she is.” This later triggered inside of me in hind sight, a feeling that I was not compassionate to her and that I was a bad person. But I went back to the time I said that to her and saw that I did speak it with compassion and though she didn’t fully understand what I was saying, it affected her in a positive way. I planted a positive seed in her psyche. Thankfully I realized my trigger before I spiraled.

What a life cycle, right? All of us bouncing off each other in our daily lives. Whether good or bad. The high, highs and the low, lows. Our wounds continuing to be mirrored to us until we take control and say no more. Until we are able to trust the truth in our hearts to guide us through life. To recognize our resources to fight the demons. Reaching out to trustworthy people, our Truth Tribe for advice. Using meditation, prayer, calling on our angels to help guide us to a better way, to keep us safe & help us to see the truth in our weakest moments. Recognizing your inner wisdom, hearing & acting on it. And then much to our delight, we have an experience of enlightenment, empowerment, serendipity, a healing moment! I like to think of them as “Gifted Truths, Inspired Blossoms!” Healings and empowerment, changing the balance of our psyche to teeter on the positive side of life. Handling the next mirrored victim scenario empowered and waving it goodbye. Creating a newly healed mirrored story in our lives and choosing that path forward.

I want to close with drawing a card without any further comment from me. Just the card definition and essential meaning for you to ponder on. My question: “What is it everyone needs to hear about their victim?” I drew a card from the online deck, “The Wisdom of the Oracle” from Collette-Baron The card is: “The Observer.” The essential meaning is: Perspective, objectivity, neutral observation from a distance. The card goes on to say: Ever think sometimes your life is suction cupped to your face and you can’t see beyond yourself? There’s a big world out there, a multitude of potential realities that you’re unable to see at present. So you’re a little stuck? It’s time to get advice from someone you trust, someone who has a better perspective on your circumstances. Other points of view are needed now before you move forward. Take heart! A beautiful vista is waiting for you to drink it in.

Peace and Love, Susan

Resources: online oracle decks, my wisdom and dreams.

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New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus is on May 19, 2023 at 8:53am Pacific. Taurus wants us to embody who we are and honor ourselves for all we are capable of. It is imperative we take care of ourselves before we attempt to help others. And this New Moon will push you to put your foot down and say, “I deserve this!”

Taurus is about the physical world of form and the pleasure we get from life on earth. Because it is ruled by Venus, Taurus recognizes it’s hearts desires and sets out to manifest those desires into real life experiences. The strengths of Taurus include reliability, patience, devotion, responsibility and a sense of stability. The weaker moments of Taurus can bring about stubbornness, possessiveness & inflexibility. Sudden changes often upset Taurus as well as complications & insecurity.

The past few weeks my spiritual practice has led me to know that I need to focus on what I want moving forward. To stay away from the darkness of today’s reality and put forth energy toward creation of a world that allows us each to be authentic and live out our hearts desires. Taurus supports us receiving what we want in life. The fear producing possibilities that linger and surround us can only be empowered if we spend our time and energy believing in them. We need to avoid putting energy into what we don’t want. It is within our power to create a future aligned with our hearts desires, authenticity and pleasures. Dream, act and create!

While the present planetary influences can heighten our fears, they can also be supportive to keep us out of the fear. It is up to us to decide what our experience will be. Ignore the fear mongering, chaos and divide and focus on love, sharing and creating a more balanced reality. Taurus is known to slow the process of manifestation so you can prove your worth, change what you are meant to heal, recognize what holds you back or misguides you. In setting your intentions, believe you can have the goodness in life, take action toward it and then pass on your empowerment to others. There is enough fulfillment possible for everyone on this planet.

Lets ask the cards what it is we need to know to stay focused on a deserving empowerment for an abundant and freedom loving future. I drew a card from the Oracle of the 7 Energies by Collette Baron-Reid: “A Tall Tale.” This cards key concepts are: denial, concealing the truth so you can manipulate and control a situation, fear-based communication, creating a narrative to hide behind, not allowing the fear of what others will think to influence your words, learning to communicate from a place of authenticity.

Now is the time to be brutally honest with ourselves. Recognize our short comings and gain strength to be a better person. Take responsibility for our actions and admit when we are wrong in order to change our path. Instead of tearing others down to be right or gather sympathy, show compassion and support when needed. Let go of trying to control others or their actions to manipulate an outcome. Let go of the need to hide the truth within your heart. When you trust the truth that lies in front of you, the path to your desires will open up. Until a person can be honest and take responsiblity for their weaknesses, life will continue to throw curve balls to get you to realize what you need to change to have what you desire. Dreams are fulfilled when you are in alignment with seeing what you need to change about yourself to get what you truly want. Don’t let fear, denial & lies suck your power of manifestation. Flip the coin, choose truth, trust in spirit to guide you and the confidence and prize will arrive!

I will close with my latest mantra when I want to redirect my negativity. “I am happy, healthy, wealthy, free and live in a world with justice!”

Love and Peace, Susan

References: Leslie Tagorda, Collette Baron-Reid, Dr. Michael Lennox, & my wisdom.

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Full Moon in Scorpio

Today is the Full Moon in Scorpio along with an eclipse involving the South Node (our past.) With the Sun (our conscious self) in Taurus & the Moon in Scorpio, it is about letting go of the things that hold you back or make you want to overcompensate or grip harder to stay safe & comfortable. Your issues surrounding success & abundance. A really big energy time to finally drop those limiting self-beliefs! Take the broken record off the turn table and listen to a new song!

This Full Moon can ignite fear. But remember, the fear is usually preventing your greatest self from living life and expressing itself. If you step through the fear, often your biggest rewards, your greatest talents in life are on the other side. Taurus in it’s dark side would prefer you stay stuck in the beliefs you don’t belong in that arena. You are not worthy, you believe in scarcity & guilt more than trusting & believing what is meant to be. On a positive, Taurus is about abundance, moving slow & steady, thriving comfortably. With Scorpio pushing growth, death & rebirth, it is a great time for shedding self-paralysis of past conditioning & wounds. Don’t let anyone convince you of anything less than your hearts desire & natural talents. That would be your projected low self-esteem being reflected back to you. Now is the time to project self-belief.

Let’s see what the cards say. What do we need to know to shed our imprisoned beliefs to thrive and grow successfully? I drew a card from the “Wisdom of the Oracle” deck by Collette Baron- Reid. The card is: “Never Ending Story” in protection mode (reversed.) The essential meaning of this card is: Self-criticism; the wounded ego; unnecessary dramas. You can’t make this up – what an appropriate card! The online description says: “Time to avoid drama at all costs, especially when it comes to other people’s “stuff.” Your sensitivity is on overload these days, and you’re best served by keeping your distance. Your mantra today is “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” All this drama will pass, and you will carry on unscathed and blameless.” I think the guide for this card says it all. Stop believing in the self-destructive, fearful beliefs of the past conditioning that do not honor your greatness. Unlock the chains and step out to show your authentic self. The scariest things in life, are most often, the most profound truths you have to offer the world. Be you!

Peace & Love, Susan

This blog was written on 3 hrs. sleep in route to the Caribbean, typed with one finger on my cell phone! 🥰 References: Collette Baron-Reid, Leslie Tagorda & Suzanne Gerber & my divine wisdom.